My opinion on the computer? – Wrote Tinguely a decade ago – It is the philosopher of the machine or the machine's philosophy. I have followed the development in recent years, I think the way it is set contains all necessary preconditions for a "neo-Renaissance". But I do not work on it. “Saverio Ungheri worked on it, as master of technique, other than of "op-art". The exhibition that opens at the "Polmone Pulsante" is another stroke in an attempt, pursued for decades, to develop the experience of "kinetic sculptores" through allusions, recalls, mythographic sculptures, that are more complex signals and interpretable in their form of expansion of the symbol. So Ungheri’s computer contains all characters of the psychological change of this thinking machine, that is by now institutionalized and at the limit of maximum evolution that starts for this very reason to wear. On Ungheri’s computer the ancient elements persist: light, sound, movement. But are packaged in a large box that is the ideal package of mass consumer products. In short, a reduction, that blocks to a sense of archeology both Tinguel’s ironic self-centeredness and Schoffer’s social conception of art. You experience the same changes in the impressive sculpture "il combattente” that introduces the exhibit. A box too, with understood anatomical forms, but whose assembly rather than create illusions, charges the object of fetish and idolatry, with the implied disavowal of the rivalries and struggles that contaminate the relationships of society. Finally, there is the egg, mobile or pendulous, also packaged into four areas and subjected to different types of lighting and movement. Also, in these works the ambiguity of language and their Hermeticism originate from the mysterious tendency to the symbol of the sculptor. And, in any case, tend to "a new kinetic art” that in its meaning, has nothing to do with that of the past.
…Saverio Ungheri in a hundred years will not close his eyes, but he will open them even more. God for him is not the Christian Trinity triangle or the double triangle of Moses. It is a cylinder. Bottomless……
"Flegias" Exhibit 1976 GIUSEPPE SELVAGGI
… Interesting pictorial manipulation, on which fine thin cuts of graffiti signs are produced through which the image is to be almost unrealistically determined, as in the fatigue of a long memory, supported by the partitions on surfaces that visually accentuate the detachment. A complex literary-psychological-parascientific substratum is in the works of Ungheri.
"Il Popolo" April, 20 1977 (Pre-Mannerist paintings 75 years) SANDRA ORIENTI
…. His works have much weight of reality and go beyond the sense of mere aesthetic value…… He makes of art the instrument, fascinating and horrendous, from our daily damnation and together with the more desperate metaphysic hope……….
Exhibition "Palazzo dei Diamanti", Ferrara 1982 FRANCO SOLMI
….. Ungheri drew up a personal vision of the quote, aimed at searching, in which he has preceded us, the ideal values almost detached from a precise historical determination: his intent is not to remember an elapsed and unrepeatable time, as it is affirm, without clamor, the silent and quiet continuity of natural rhythms
November 23, 1991 SERGIO GUARINO
… with all that baggage of dutiful acknowledgments that this brings back, when in the case of someone who is able to set in motion the mechanisms of demystification, where others use the practice to emptiness……..
"Paese Sera" October 18, 1970 DUILIO MOROSINI
Surreal experiences, pop and kinetic, have the flavor and extent of a search a bit manic, up almost to the edge of Art-Brut……..
"Momento sera" 31 Ottobre 1970 LORENZA TRUCCHI
To save the only, the last substance, which is the mechanism, the motor surface, his recitatives, his lampaneggi….. So let’s say this "sculpture" an appearance radical enough to represent the body (thus corpus) as a form of a deity, or of God not yet born, complete slave of the fertilizing chaos: niches of the shapeless and omniverse heartbeat, hollow of the fluid dimension (non Heraclitus),……
Exhibit at the "L’Obelisco" Gallery 1973 EMILIO VILLA
….Saverio Ungheri, sculptor who knows how to read the anxieties and hopes of modern man.
(Book dedication) Mons. GIOVAN1 FALLANI